BedriftDele, % Höegh LNG Partners LP 0.85 Sprague Resources LP 0.69 Blue Prism Group plc 0.38 Allergan 0.3 Score Media and Gaming Inc. 0.26 Navios Maritime Acquisition Corporation 0.26 Whiting Petroleum Corporation 0.23 АЛРОСА 0.22 Standard Life Aberdeen plc 0.2 The ExOne Company 0.19 Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. 0.17 Level One Bancorp, Inc. 0.16 SoftBank Corp. 0.14 Интер РАО 0.12 Мечел 0.11 L Brands 0.11 Raiffeisen Bank 0.1 Банк Астаны 0.1 Brookfield Property REIT Inc. 0.09 Covestro AG 0.09 Entain PLC 0.07 Porsche 0.07 АФК Система 0.06 Magellan Health, Inc. 0.06 Loral Space & Communications Inc. 0.06 UBS Group AG 0.05 Ростелеком 0.05 Osmotica Pharmaceuticals plc 0.04 Нижнекамскшина 0.04 Voyager Digital Ltd. 0.03 Olam International Limited 0.03 Daimler AG 0.03 Raven Property Group 0.03 Северсталь 0.03 Delivery Hero SE 0.03 Daimler 0.03 BMW 0.03 Meggitt PLC 0.03 Volkswagen 0.02 Aston Martin 0.02 DSP Group, Inc. 0.02 Signature Aviation plc 0.02 China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited 0.01 COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd. 0.01 Татнефть 0.01 Z Holdings Corporation 0.01 IHS Markit 0 МКБ 0 Fix Price 0 Razer Inc. 0 Уралкалий 0 Норникель (Норильский никель) 0